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  • Volvo Cars
    Designed Around You

    The first Volvo car rolled off the production line in Sweden in 1927, and ever since then, Volvo Cars (acquired by Geeley Holding of China in 2010) has been a world leader in safety technology and innovation, with a global multi-brand presence. The company’s corporate and brand strategy ‘Designed Around You’ puts people at the core of everything the company does and provides a foundation and guide for the business, the products and the corporate culture. Volvo Cars’ position as a premium car brand and its Swedish heritage have both been key in SDL’s strategic design collaboration with Volvo and when developing the holistic brand identity. The work has included development of the brand identity guidelines and an update of the iconic iron mark.


    For the launch of the new companion app for Volvo, key features needed to be communicated. Through film, the executions would be aired online, YouTube and Social Media, as well as the Volvo website.SDL together with Volvo developed a concept that would engage further than a normal information film. Instead of only showing the interface of the app and icons/topics, a story and narrative was developed, where the features and the icons were made more iconic to represent and highlight the functions, without even showing an actual phone interface.
