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  • Björn Kusoffsky is awarded the life time achievement award Berlingpriset

    Berlingpriset was instituted by Geith and Karl-Erik Forsberg on Karl-Eriks 75th birthday in 1989, and has since been awarded to prominent Swedish designers for their exemplary design, technical skill and excellent typographic treatment.

    Berlingpriset 2014 is awarded Björn Kusoffsky for his 25 years in the business as a graphic designer.

    “Kusoffsky uses typography and graphic shapes to express something beyond the expected. They become an idea, a thought or a function.” says the jury in its motivation. The jury of 2014 was Tomas Lidman, Annika Lyth, Kerstin Kyhlberg Engvall, Stefania Malmsten, Maria Wikland och Greger Bergvall.

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