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  • Lohaco Water awarded with the Good Design Award

    The Good Design Award is a movement aimed at enriching our lives and society through design. Since the foundation in 1957, it has been commonly known together with the “G Mark”, the symbol of winning the award.

    Good Design Award has recognized various objects surrounding us, including industrial goods, architecture, software, systems, services and so on. No matter tangible or intangible, Good Design Award will take it as design, evaluate and honor its quality, as long as it is created to fulfill certain ideals or purposes.

    ASKUL original mineral water bottle and outer carton designed for all EC users. Inspired from natural cycle of how water is created, that can be seen at the foothills where water is extracted, “waterfalls, waterdrops, mist, and snow” patterns are embossed on bottles. Also, no typical plastic label; thus, reducing time to separate it from the bottle and contributing to resource conservation.

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